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Parent Club Performance Event Program – Criteria & Process
This program is designed to acknowledge breed specific performance events that are not currently included in the
AKC’s Performance Events Program. Performance events test a dog’s skill in performing the historic functions for
which the breed was developed. Some performance events are very narrow in their application, perhaps being
relevant to only a single breed or a small number of breeds. While not large in number of participants, these events
are meaningful to the breeds involved. Several Parent Clubs have developed and administered their own events due
to their love of the breed and vested interest in testing for the breed’s function. This program allows AKC to partner
with its Parent Clubs to acknowledge a dog’s accomplishments in these events.
The AKC will consider recording titles earned in Parent Club Performance Events that meet the following criteria:
1. The event must be a test of the historic function for which the breed was developed. Breed supporters must be
committed to using the test results as a guiding factor in their breeding decisions with the intent of maintaining
and enhancing the working abilities of the breed.
2. The AKC must not offer a similar event, in whole or in part.
3. Only AKC registered dogs or dogs listed in the AKC PAL program are eligible for recognition.
4. The AKC maintains oversight to insure administrative reasonableness and consistency with AKC values.
The testing requirements and process that results in an AKC recorded title must be reviewed and approved
by the Performance Events Department.
The event must take place in the U.S.
Derived titles (a title awarded by earning other titles, in whole or in part) will not be recorded by the AKC.
If different breeds are performing similar functions in similar tests, there must be reasonable consistency
in titles awarded.
AKC Performance Events maintains the prerogative to periodically review the operations of the Parent
Club regarding the event to insure the appropriate processes are being followed.
All Parent Club events and titles must be approved by the AKC Board based on the recommendation of
the Performance Event Department.
The AKC retains the right to stop recording titles earned in Parent Club events at its sole discretion.
How This Works – The Administrative Process
1. Parent Club contacts the Performance Events Dept requesting its performance event be considered for eligibility.
2. Performance Events and the Parent Club work together reviewing the event and the titles to be recorded.
3. Performance Events will request Board approval of the event and titles.
4. An AKC title application form is distributed by the Parent Club at their event. Upon earning a Parent Club
title, the form is submitted by the owner along with a fee of $50 per title to the Performance Events
Department. Submittal of the form is up to the discretion of the owner. Before a title is issued, Performance
Events will contact the Parent Club’s official record keeper to verify the title.
5. Upon receiving the form and verifying the title, AKC will issue a title certificate and place the title on the
dog’s record. The title will appear on the dog’s pedigree.
6. Titles earned in Parent Club performance events are suffix titles and will follow AKC titles on a pedigree.
Higher level titles will supersede lower titles. New titles must not conflict with existing titles.
7. If a test has many titles, each associated with small increases in skill, the AKC will consider only issuing titles
for the milestone test levels.
March 2010
Performance Events Department

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