Offense (s)
Suspect (s)
Request for an Incident and Crime Report
Date Reported: Time Reported: Date of Event: Time of Event:
Person Reporting: Phone #: E-mail:
Crime: Crime:
Location : Location :
Location Type: Location Type:
Name: Sex: Race: Age:
Address: City: State: Zip:
Phone #: Mobile#: E-mail: SSN: DOB:
Ethnicity: Resident Status:
Name: Sex: Race: Age:
Address: City: State: Zip:
Phone #: Mobile#: E-mail: SSN: DOB:
Ethnicity: Resident Status:
Name: Sex: Race: Age:
Address: City: State: Zip:
Height: Weight: Hair: Eyes: Body Type:
Complexion: Ethnicity: Place of Birth:
License #: Relationship to Victim:
WARNING: False statements made on this form are punishable under the penalty of perjury. Whoever knowingly makes
a false written statement of this form shall be punished by imprisonment for up to 2 years or a fine of up to $2,500.00 or
by both a fine and imprisonment. G.L.,C268, S39. Persons convicted more than once of knowingly making false reports
shall be punished by a mandatory one year jail term.
(Describe the person or persons in more detail, if necessary)
Name: Sex: Race: Age:
Address: City: State: Zip:
Height: Weight: Hair: Eyes: Body Type:
Complexion: Ethnicity: Place of Birth:
License #: Relationship to Victim:
Springfield Police Department
Springfield Police Department
(Crime Must Have Occurred in the City of Springfield)