HTML Preview Business Card Email Signature Policy page number 1.

September 24, 2014
For: All Goldman Sachs
Effective Date: September 24, 2014
Revision History, page 8
Business cards are an important representation of Goldman Sachs and are issued to
employees once employment with the firm has commenced. As e-mail is our primary
method of communication with external stakeholders, e-mail signatures serve as de facto
electronic business cards. This business card and e-mail signature policy exists to ensure
that a consistent brand is presented to the firm’s clients, regulators, and other key
The business card and e-mail signature also is a sign of representation of a legal and/or
regulated entity. This might trigger additional requirements based on regulations or
commercial law. Please contact the Regional Compliance Officer (“RCO”) for further
information about requirements of other legal entities not mentioned in the policy.
The policy is designed to provide clear direction for physical business card layout and text,
ensuring consistency across the firm, protecting the brand from inappropriate use, and
streamlining the ordering process. This policy includes guidelines on:
Card layout
Specific text and text placement
Cards for external partners, consultants, and advisors
Ordering and approval processes
The policy also includes guidelines on personal e-mail signatures.
More detailed Appendices are included on:
Goldman Sachs Asset Management’s business card layout
Goldman Sachs entities
Approved Division names and Sub-division/desk names
Required regulatory banners
Asia Pacific job titles
Japan job titles
Dual language and two-sided cards
Executive Office contacts by region

Successful people are the ones who are breaking the rules. | Seth Godin