HTML Preview Monthly Payroll Schedule page number 1.

Pay Period Pay Period Pay Period Pay Date Payroll Provost HR HR
ID Begin Date End Date Timecard Faculty Contract Faculty Contract Staff Paperwork
Deadline-10 a.m. Deadline-5 p.m. Deadline-5 p.m. Deadline-Noon
M1701 01/01/17 01/31/17 01/26/17 01/17/17
01/04/17 01/13/17
M1702 02/01/17 02/28/17 02/24/17 02/17/17 01/16/17 02/02/17 02/13/17
M1703 03/01/17 03/31/17 03/24/17 03/17/17 02/13/17 03/02/17 03/13/17
M1704 04/01/17 04/30/17 04/26/17 04/17/17 03/13/17 04/04/17 04/13/17
M1705 05/01/17 05/31/17 05/26/17 05/17/17 04/10/17 05/04/17 05/15/17
M1706 06/01/17 06/30/17 06/26/17 06/16/17 05/08/17 06/02/17 06/13/17
M1707 07/01/17 07/31/17 07/26/17 07/15/17 06/12/17 07/04/17 07/13/17
M1708 08/01/17 08/31/17 08/25/17 08/17/17 07/10/17 08/03/17 08/14/17
M1709 09/01/17 09/30/17 09/26/17 09/15/17 08/14/17 09/04/17 09/13/17
M1710 10/01/17 10/31/17 10/26/17 10/17/17 09/11/17 10/04/17 10/13/17
M1711 11/01/17 11/30/17 11/22/17 11/14/17 10/09/17 10/31/17 11/09/17
M1712 12/01/17 12/31/17 12/22/17 12/15/17 11/13/17 11/30/17 12/11/17
M1801 01/01/18 01/31/18 01/26/18 01/17/18 12/11/17** 01/14/18 01/15/18
Monthly HR staff paperwork deadlines are based on payroll processing deadlines.
**Important Dates for 2018
Monthly HR faculty paperwork deadlines are not based solely on payroll processing deadlines, and allow for periods of heavy volume and the additional steps involved with faculty
hires. These deadlines allow HR, Payroll, and associated academic departments sufficient time to process faculty contract payments.

Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly and get on with improving your other innovations. | Steve Jobs