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Club Event Venue Checklist
Venue Name: ____________________________________________________________
Venue Contact Information: _________________________________________________
Event Date: ______________________________________________________________
Approximate Attendance: ____________________________________________________
Parking and Transportation
Is car parking available? If so, what is the charge? _____
Where are the nearest public transportation stops/stations? _____
General Criteria
Is the event area private and free of distractions? _____
Is there noise, including televisions or music? _____
Can the space accommodate the number of anticipated participants? _____
Is there space for a registration table? _____
Is a coat check available? _____
Is there signage from the venue entrance to registration? ______
What is the flow from venue registration to event area? ______
Where are the nearest public restrooms? ______
Food and Beverage
Does the venue provide food and beverage and at what cost? ______
Can you bring outside catering into the venue? ______
Is alcohol permitted? _____
Audio Visual Needs
What A/V is available and at what cost? _____
Financial Considerations
What are the venue costs with and without food/beverage and A/V? ______

There’s no shortage of remarkable ideas, what’s missing is the will to execute them. | Seth Godin