Customer: Please Print Full Name Date Requested
Service Address Home Phone
City, State, Zip Work Phone
Restoration. Xcel Energy will restore the boulevard, and will backfill the service trench on my property
with existing soil. I am responsible for final compacting, loaming, seeding, sodding or watering of the
service trench at my expense. I will also be responsible for restoration in areas where I have exposed my
own underground facilities listed above.
Ownership of Facilities.
The underground electric facilities installed by Xcel Energy shall be the property
of Xcel Energy and any payments made by me or my contractor shall not entitle me or my contractor to
any ownership interest or rights therein.
Relocating Facilities. I agree to pay the cost of relocating any portion of said underground facilities
made to accommodate me or required due to altering of grade, additions to structures, installations of
patios, decks, gardens, sidewalks, curbing, paving, blacktop, sod, landscaping or any other surface or
subsurface condition which makes maintenance of Xcel Energy’s facilities impracticable.
In this agreement, Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corporation (“Xcel Energy”) and the
Customer (“I” or “my”) agree as follows:
Request for Electric Service. I request that Xcel Energy install an underground electric service at the
service address designated above, consisting of 120/240 volt, 1 phase, 3 wire. Xcel Energy agrees to
install or have installed the facilities for electric service. I grant Xcel Energy any right, privilege or
easement necessary to install, operate, own and maintain its electric service on the property.
Installation Requirements. I agree that prior to Xcel Energy starting work: (1) the route of Xcel Energy’s
service installation will be accessible to Xcel Energy’s equipment; (2) I will remove all obstructions from the
route at no cost or expense to Xcel Energy; (3) I will clearly expose all septic tanks, drainfields, sprinkler
systems, water wells, owner-installed electric or pipeline facilities, invisible fence, or other Customer-
owned facilities in the installation route; and (4) the ground elevation along the route will not be above or
more than four inches below the final grade. I agree Xcel Energy is not responsible for damage to
Customer-owned underground facilities not exposed at the time of installation. Xcel Energy will contact the
state utility location service to locate third party utility facilities (phone, cable, etc) on my property.
Installation Cost Contribution. I agree to pay an installation cost contribution provided in the Customer
Charges section below and as provided in the General Rules and Regulations and/or in the Rate
Schedules of Xcel Energy's Electric Rate Book for customer's specific service, as they now exist or may
herafter be changed, on file with the state regulatory commission in the state where service is provided. I
understand that I must pay this amount before Xcel Energy will install the electric service. I understand
Winter Construction Charges may apply if I have not signed and returned this agreement and I have not
forwarded my electrical inspection to Xcel Energy by October 1. I agree to pay Winter Construction
Charges if Xcel Energy determines winter condition exists when the underground facilities are installed
and I have not forwarded my electrical inspection to Xcel Energy by October 1.