Finance Committee Meeting –Minutes for 9-9-13
1. Approval of Agenda– Discussion/Action
a. Approved Agenda – Motioned: R. Thompson/2
S. Gonzalez
2. Approval of 4/12/13 and 4/15/13 Minutes
a. Approved Minutes – Motioned: K. Kimura/2
S. Gonzalez
b. Abstentions - 1
3. Public Comments – None
4. Discussion/Action –
4.1 Membership DISCUSSION
The Finance Committee outlined current needs for membership:
MSC – 1
Faculty – 2
Students – 2, possibly 3 (1 member unconfirmed)
T.Kubo will contact constituency groups to seek membership. The Committee asked that the
request also stipulate to interested parties that membership on the committee is for a
minimum of one academic year and that regular attendance is required, given the importance
of the committee work.
T. Kubo volunteered to remain as committee Chair for FY13-14. There were no objections.
4.2 Review Committee Charge DISCUSSION
The Committee reviewed the Finance Committee Charge. This document was archived as of
2008. R. Thompson and A. Vukelich will search their files for any more recent iteration of the
Charge. The Committee discussed the following possible changes to the 2008 document:
Add to Membership “The members of the Finance Committee will consist of the following
positions, with a minimum one year commitment for each member:”
Add to Membership “The Finance Committee will elect the chair at the first meeting of each
academic year”
Add to Responsibilities:
“Communicate information about the current state of changes or adjustments to the college
budget to all campus constituency groups”
“Review district and college priorities, including: Governing Board of Trustee Priorities,
Chancellor’s Priorities, College Strategic Plan, President’s Priorities”
“Review Accreditation Standards to ensure that the budget development process complies with
the ACCJC Accreditation Standard III Section D:
3. Ensure that allocation recommendations are supported by Program Review
4. Ensure that the Resource Allocation Model (RAM) is tied to the College’s Integrated
Planning Model”
MSC -- Keiko Kimura, Takeo Kubo
Faculty –
Classified – Anthony Vukelich, Roi Ann Thompson, Sandra Gonzalez
Associated Student Body –