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Assessing Agency Readiness for Focus on Youth with ImPACT
When assessing your agency’s readiness to implement Focus on Youth with
ImPACT, here is a checklist of things to consider:
What are your desired outcomes/goals for your Focus on Youth
program? What population of youth are you trying to reach?
What has your agency previously done in this area? What made it
Are there others in your area working with African-American youth
around HIV, STD and pregnancy prevention? What’s made them
What are the natural alliances between your agency and other
community stakeholders (e.g., businesses, community-based
organizations, media, etc.)? How might that relationship be leveraged?
What resources will be required to see your Focus on Youth
intervention through to its successful completion? Think about both
financial and non-financial resources (human capital, space and other
How will you recruit youth for your Focus on Youth intervention?
How will your target population best receive messages or learn about
your Focus on Youth program?
Is the community aware of the impact of HIV among African
Americans, and specifically African-American youth? If so, do you have
a gauge of their willingness to be engaged in the process?
How prepared is your organization? Is there training that needs to
happen? Is there agency buy-in?
Organizations interested in arranging training or technical assistance for
Focus on Youth with ImPACT can contact your CDC project officer or ETR
Associates at 510-645-1047, [email protected] or james[email protected].

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