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Faculty Curriculum Vitae - Biomedical Engineering Department
Name and Academic Rank:
Renee D. Rogge, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Ph.D. 2000 Biomedical Engineering University of Iowa
B.S. 1996 Biomedical Engineering Tulane University
Rose-Hulman Service
Years of Service at Rose-Hulman: 2 years
Original Appointment Date and Rank: August 2004, Assistant Professor
Date(s) of Promotion(s) and Resulting Rank(s): N/A
Professional Experience:
2004 – Present Assistant Professor
Applied Biology and Biomedical Engineering Department
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, IN
2000 – 2004 Assistant Professor
Biomedical Engineering
Mercer University, Macon, GA
Summer 2002, 2003 NASA Faculty Fellow
Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX
Consulting Activities:
Patents and Disclosures:
Professional Registration:
Principal Publications of the last five years:
Livesay, G.A. & R.D. Rogge
. “Vertical Mentoring: Closing the Loop in Design,” in press, Proceedings of the
ASEE Annual Conference (2006).
Rogge, R.D.
and G.A. Livesay. “Design Bootcamp: Getting in Shape for a Capstone Experience,” in press,
Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference (2006).
Harrigan, K., Logan, R., Sluti, A., and R.D. Rogge
. “Instrumented Sparring Vest to Aid in Martial Arts
Scoring,” in press, Proceedings of the Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium (2006).
Rogge, R.
, Chappell, A., & S. Rajulu. “Development and Validation of a Digital Human Model for Space
Hardware Design and Evaluation,” SAE Digital Human Modeling Conference Proceedings (2005).
Sumner, L.B. & R.D. Rogge
. “Teaching with Technology: A Strategy for Pedagogy and Practicality using
CAE Software,” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference (2005).
Rogge, R.D.
, Sumner, L.B., & J. Burtner. "Formative Assessment of a Computer-Aided Analysis Center: Plan
Development and Preliminary Results," Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference (2004).
Rogge, R.D.
"A Student-led Approach to Teaching Advanced Biomechanics," Proceedings of the ASEE-
Southeastern Section Meeting (2004).
Grosland, N.M., Rogge, R.D.
, and B.D. Adams. Influence of articular geometry on prosthetic wrist stability.
Clinical Orthopedics 421:134-42, 2004.
Grosland, N.M., Rogge, R.D.
, & B.D. Adams. "Influence of articular geometry on prosthetic wrist stability,"
Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics (2003).
Grosland, N.M., Rogge, R.D.
, Adams, B.D., & T.D. Brown. "Rotational dislocation resistance of a dual-
curvature-radius total wrist implant," Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society (2003).

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