Patient Authorization to Disclose Protected Health Information
#CHCR-004 rev. 12/12
Patient Label
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Patient Authorization to Disclose Protected Health Information
Authorization: I certify that this request is made voluntarily and that the information given above is accurate to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that I may revoke this authorization at any time in writing by submitting my request in writing to the designated Health
Information Management / Medical Records department. If I have authorized the disclosure of my health information to someone who
is not legally required to keep it private, it may be re-disclosed and may no longer be protected. A copy or fax of this authorization will
be as valid as the original.
I understand that authorizing disclosure of health information is voluntary. I understand that I may refuse to sign this authorization and
that my refusal to sign will not affect my ability to obtain treatment, payment, or my eligibility to obtain benefits. I understand that I
may inspect or obtain a copy of the information to be disclosed. I understand a fee may be charged for copies of my medical record.
I understand the facility will provide me a copy of the signed authorization form. If I have questions about disclosure of my health
information, I can contact the designated Corporate Responsibility and Privacy Officer.
Without my express revocation, this authorization will automatically expire upon satisfaction of the need for disclosure, but
in any event will expire 90 days from the date hereof, unless a different date is specified here:
Acknowledgement: I understand that the information to be disclosed may include any or all information involving communicable or
venereal disease, psychological or psychiatric conditions, drug or alcohol abuse and/or alcoholism. It may also include, but is not
limited to, diseases such as hepatitis, syphilis, gonorrhea and human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV), also known as acquired immune
deficiency syndrome (AIDS).
For Marketing/Fundraising Purposes Only, if applicable: I understand that Centura Health
will will not receive remuneration,
either direct or indirect, as a result of the marketing that I hereby authorize.
Patient (Parent or Legal Guardian)
Minor’s signature is required for release of any records for treatment which the minor may authorize under Colorado Law.
Relationship (if other than patient):
Power of Attorney Death Certificate
Name of individual signing on behalf of patient:
Verification: Drivers License #
Other Appropriate ID:
OFFICE USE ONLY: Attach copies of required identification.
Number of pages released:
Completion date:
Delivery method:
Name of individual who received request:
Date received:
Patient Medical Record Number / Account Number:
I hereby authorize the facility listed below to disclose/release the Protected Health Information specified in this request to the
organization, agency or patient named.
Patient Name Date of Birth Last 4 of Social Security Number
Address City, State, Zip Code Telephone Number
Release by:
City, State, Zip Code
HIM Phone/Fax Numbers
Treatment Date(s):
Purpose: Further Medical Care Workers’ Comp
Personal Use Insurance Legal
Pertinent Protected Health Information Allowed to be Included:
Discharge Summary Radiology Special Studies Entire Medical Record
History & Physical/Consult Outpt Record Medication Records
Operative Report Progress Notes Psych Health Records
Labs Physician Orders Other (specify):
*Psychotherapy Notes are distinct and may not be included with the disclosure of any other protected health information.
A Patient Authorization to Disclose Psychotherapy Notes must be completed.
Type of Disclosure Authorized & Delivery Instructions:
Provide copies of records to organization/agency/individual
Mail records directly to address above
Call to pick-up records:
Fax records to:
Release to:
Organization, Agency, Individual
City, State, Zip Code