Example Student/Graduate CV
Michael Davies
14 Any Road
Manchester, M72 1DE
Home: 0161 230 00200
Mobile: 07782 5678567
A versatile and professional law graduate with wide ranging experience in a variety of
law-related areas including youth offending, debt and benefits advice, employment
law, and housing. Seeking to combine academic achievements and work experience
in a challenging role within the voluntary sector.
Education and Qualifications
2006 – 2009 LLB (Hons) in Law 2:1
Nottingham Trent University
Optional course modules: Employment Law, Contract Law,
Consumer Law,
Law and Medical Ethics, European Law.
2004 – 2006 Nottingham Sixth Form College
3 A-Levels English Language (A)
Psychology (B)
Business Studies (B)
1999 – 2004 Ashburton Secondary School
9 GCSEs Grades A - C
Voluntary Experience
2007 – 2009 TGH Advice Centre Volunteer Advisor
Providing independent, confidential and impartial advice to clients on debt,
benefits, employment, housing, relationship and family issues for local
voluntary organisation
Interviewing clients face-to-face and over the phone to establish their needs
Drafting letters and making calls on behalf of clients
Referring clients to specialist caseworkers for complex problems or
signposting to other agencies when appropriate
Assisting clients to negotiate with companies and service providers to resolve
any difficulties.
Your profile should summarise the skills
you’ve gained from both academic and
work experience.
You can include details of any
modules, projects or
placements covered in your
degree that are relevant to the
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