HTML Preview Student Council Sample page number 1.

1. Call To Order - President – Valerie X (It is now 3:30 this meeting will
come to order. Will the secretary please read the minutes of the
previous meeting.
2. Roll Call (Attendance) – Secretary – (Please make sure that everyone
has signed in).
3. Reading Of Minutes – (At this time we do not have minutes, but we
would like to introduce the elected officers for the __________
School year.
President: __________ Vice-President: ___________, Secretary:
_______________ Treasurer: ________________, Historian:
Respectfully submitted (announce your name - Secretary)
14. President ( 1
meeting will not have minutes but the following
statement can be used for future meetings - Are there any
corrections or additions to the minutes? if not, the minutes stand
approved as read. Next we would call for old business but since it’s
our first meeting we don’t have any.)
4. Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer – Ricardo X (I have received the bank
statement from last year and the balance being carried over is
$________. At this time we have the afforementioned amount to
use as needed for this year’s activities>
5. Committee Reports (none – first meeting)
6. Special Requests/concerns:
7. Unfinished Business (none – first meeting

Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly and get on with improving your other innovations. | Steve Jobs