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WalkDenver seeks a consultant to assist with Marketing, Videography, and Storytelling for a “Citizen
Academy” focused on promoting a car-lite lifestyle. The consultant will work with WalkDenver staff on
developing tools and strategies to share the stories of academy participants and document personal
and community transformations.
WalkDenver is a grassroots advocacy organization working towards making Denver the most walkable
city in the US (
WalkDenver was awarded grants from DRCOG and the Colorado Health Foundation for a “Citizen
Academy” that will engage Denver residents who want to be advocates for a cultural shift toward
healthy, active, “car-lite” lifestyles and a new way of thinking about transportation and mobility.
WalkDenver will recruit 25 participants (two “cohorts” of 12-15) to attend two 7-month academy
sessions in 2017. Throughout the Academy, participants will be encouraged to record and share their
stories of individual and neighborhood change through photos, videos, blog posts, social media, and
similar tools. These real-world stories will form the basis of a broader media campaign touting the
benefits of healthy, active, car-lite lifestyles.
Through recruitment of Academy participants, the efforts of participants to engage others in
neighborhood projects, and broad dissemination of the stories of individual and neighborhood change
that result from the Academy, WalkDenver targets reaching more than 7,000 people.
The consultant will work with WalkDenver staff to:
1. Academy Branding: Create recognizable and unique brand and name for the academy. This will
include marketing strategy for recruitment of participants and engaging community members in
conversations about car-lite lifestyles, neighborhood improvements, and policy changes.
2. Personal Storytelling: Provide technical assistance to the academy participants to create blog
posts, videos, social media interaction to facilitate a “public engagement campaign” where
members of the public follow personal transformation of the participants. The stories may follow
a “reality TV” format where participants engage in change of personal habits, struggle with
challenges, but in the end embrace the change. Consultant will advise on cost effective
strategies to engage the public in following the personal stories. Examples may include short
(less than a minute) videos recorded on personal phones and posted on social media blogs or
3. Illustrating community transformation: Academy participants will engage in community
transformation projects such as organizing a “walking school bus”, “snow buddy” program,
public art, tactical urbanism demonstrations or similar. The consultant will provide technical
assistance to document the projects and disseminate the community stories. The projects will
serve as templates that other communities can adopt and their stories will inspire similar actions
across Denver neighborhoods.
4. Public Outreach: Consultant will develop and implement a strategy for distributing stories to
mass and social media outlets.
Request for Proposal for
Marketing Consultant Services
July 21, 2016

Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right! | Henry Ford