Gallery Shop Sales Proposal
The Kentuck Museum Association is now accepting proposals for gallery shop sellers.
The Kentuck Gallery Shop is currently located in the Georgine Clarke Building at 1922
St. in Northport, Alabama, 35476.
Artists must design and create all work they sell through the shop. Excluded from
consideration are commercially manufactured items, items made exclusively from
commercial molds, and mass-produced items.
A panel of jurors will review Gallery Shop Sales Proposals. The decisions made by
the Gallery Shop Sales Jury are final. Evaluative criteria will include artistic merit and
technical execution.
Applications must be submitted in digital form. Applications that do not include
everything listed below are not complete and cannot be considered.
Submit the items listed below to: Gallery Shop Proposal
By mail on a CD/DVD to: Kentuck Museum Association
503 Main Ave.
Northport, AL 35476
Please submit the following items to complete the Gallery Shop Sales Proposal.
Please note: All text files (resume, artist’s statement, image identification sheet)
should be saved as Microsoft Word documents.
1) Resume, including
a. Name / address / telephone/ email
b. List of other galleries, if any, in which you are presenting your work
c. Any related education or professional experience and/or exhibitions of
your work.