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Sample Resignation Letter - Notice Period Known
(A Youth Central Sample Resignation Letter)
Use this sample resignation letter if you know how much notice you need to give.
Keep your resignation letter short and to the point. Use formal language and try your best
to be polite.
Check your employment contract to find out how much notice you need to give your
employer. If your contract specifies a two-week notice period, you must state this in your
resignation letter and hand it in two weeks before you plan to stop working.
If you’re not sure what your notice period should be, you can contact the Federal
Government's Fair Work Ombudsman on 13 13 94, or Job Watch on 9662 1933
(Melbourne) or 1800 331 617 (non-Metro).
NOTE: It’s important to get the dates right in your resignation letter. If any dispute arises
over the timing of your resignation you’ll have this letter as proof that you gave the right
amount of notice.
Make sure you keep a copy of your resignation letter. That way you'll have proof of the date
you submitted it, and proof of the day that will be your last day at work.
Your resignation letter should include:
A statement that says you are going to resign
The date of your last day of work at the organisation (based on the notice you are
A short explanation of why you are leaving
A short, polite thank you at the end of the letter
Other things your resignation letter could include are:
Something positive about your experience in the job (e.g., the opportunity to gain
experience or develop your skills)
An offer to help make your resignation easier for the organisation (e.g., an offer to
train somebody else to do your job)
Check out Youth Central's Jobs & Careers pages for more tips and advice about your
rights at work, how to find and apply for a job, and more.

You must be the change you wish to see in the world. | Mahatma Gandhi