HTML Preview High School Work Resume Sample page number 1.

Sample Resume for High School Students
Jane Doe
12 Snelling Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55116
(651) 555-1111
Education Highland Park Senior High, class of 2008 (3.8 GPA)
St. Paul Public Library—University Branch (June 2005-present)
Maintained library database on checked-out materials.
Coordinated volunteer program for Story Time.
Organized card catalog to incorporate new materials.
National Honor Society (2003-present)
Participated in several volunteer activities, including: building a
house for Habitat for Humanity (50 hours), collecting food for
the St. Paul Food Shelf (80 hours), and organizing the Honor
Society Induction Ceremony.
National Honor Society (2003-present)
French Club (2002-present)
Cross Country (2002-present)
Piano lessons (10 years)
A Honor Roll, 8 quarters
Outstanding French Student, 2004
Volunteer of the Year, 2005
Available upon request.
General Formatting You should have 1 inch margins, major headings (like ‘Education’) on the left, then indent
with additional information below—for example, notice how National Honor Society is lined up below St. Paul
Public Library. Use a traditional font (New York, Arial, just not cursive…) at 12 point size. It should all fit on one
page. Remember, it needs to be easy to read—keep it simple and organized!
Other things to remember:
proofread, proofread, proofread!
Check for punctuation and spelling.
Check for format and style consistency.
Show your resume to a friend.
Use resume weight paper (available in copy centers).
Pick a light, neutral color, like white or ivory.
Laser print it or have it done at the copy center.
Get matching envelopes and paper for cover letters.
Headings The expected headings would be: education, experience (work or volunteer),
but the others are up to you. Use the ones that work best. Other possibilities: skills,
additional experience, related experience, leadership experience, research experience,
writing experience, computer experience, objectives, leadership, related coursework,
work experience, volunteer experience, anything that fits your particular qualities.
Formatting Experiences: (2 options)
1. Heading line (include title and dates) followed by bulleted list—see Work
Experience as example.
2. Heading line (include title and date) followed by narrative list—see Volunteer
Experience as example.
Writing About Experiences
Regardless of style, begin each phrase/sentence/ bullet with an active verb. See the
examples to the left: maintained, coordinated, organized, participated…see back of
page for more examples.
Education: include graduation date and GPA if it is 3.0 or higher.
Contact Information: should be at the top of your resume—include name, address,
phone number, and e-mail (if you have it). Separate it out by centering it and making it
bold. If you have a college address separate from a home address, use both.

You are not your resume, you are your work. | Seth Godin