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Doctor – Engineer - Consultant
Paris, France
Cell phone : +33 6 89 111 567
E-mail :
July 2008
PhD in Computer Science, University of Evry, Evry, France
Thesis: Mobility management in 4G wireless heterogeneous networks”
January 2006
Telecommunications engineering diploma, TELECOM ParisTech (ENST), France
September 2005
Master’s degree in Computer Science, University of Paris 6, France
April 2004
Engineering diploma at the Ecole Polytechnique
, one of the most prestigious
engineering “grandes écoles” ” (equivalent to a top-tier University) in France
Sept. 1999 – July 01
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (Major of the entrance examination)
1999 High school diploma, awarded with High Honours, Vietnam
July 08 – present
Consultant at Davidson consulting, Paris, France
IP expert at Nokia Siemens Networks, France
Jan. 08 – June 08
CRP Henri Tudor,
Scientific collaborator in European Celtic CARLINK project
Optimization of CARLINK services delivery to vehicular mobile users
Key words: VANET, Ad-hoc, Mesh, Car-to-Car communication
Dec. 05- Feb. 08
University of Evry
Working in European Celtic SEIMONET project (Secure Interworking of Mobile &
Wireless Networks)
Design of the secured and seamless interworking & roaming architecture among
heterogeneous networks in multi-operator environment
Specification and optimization of inter-system mobility solutions
Key words: UMTS, LTE, WiMAX, Wi-Fi, AAA, EAP, RADIUS, Roaming Interworking
Intermediary, Mobile IP, SIP, MOBIKE, Roaming, Convergence
Dec. 05 – Dec. 07
University of Evry
Working in European ITEA SUMO project (Service Ubiquity in Mobile and Wireless
Optimization of the vertical handover under the terminal control vision
Design the access network selection and the load balancing algorithms for
heterogeneous environment
Key words: UMTS, LTE, WiMAX, Wi-Fi, MIP, IMS, UMA (GAN), TTG (Tunnel Termination
Gateway), ABC (Always Best Connected), Power-saving Interface Management
Aug. 06 – Sept. 07
Grenoble, France
Scientific collaborator
Participate in different European projects: WHERE, UNITE, WIQUAS
Key words: UMTS, HSPA, Software-Defined Radio, RRM, Load balancing, Handover
prediction, Inter-system measurement, Side Channel Attacks
May 05-Nov. 05
Marcoussis, France
Research Internship in Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs
Topic: Interworking architecture between WiMAX and UMTS
Key words: UMTS, WiMAX, cell overlap, interworking
April 04 - July 04
Arizona State
University, USA
Research internship (awarded a prize for one of the best research internships)
Topic: Energy-efficient multicast communications in ad-hoc wireless networks
Key words: Ad-hoc, Wi-Fi, multicast, energy-efficiency

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