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Created by a UConn Writing Center Science Liaison
Citations tend to be (author, year). If you refer to the author in the sentence, immediately follow the name with (year)
(see examples above).
IV. Research Hypothesis
What is the hypothesis that you are testing? What are the questions that you seek to answer? Based on what is known in
this field, explain what you expect to see and hope to show through your result? This is where you share your thoughts.
V. Material and Methods
Describe your proposed experiment in depth. What processes are you going to use? What kind of equipment and supplies
will be necessary for the project? What will you use for a control, and what will be your replicate? Be thorough, but not
excessive. It might be useful to construct an outline before completing this section, as this will give you an idea of what
should be occurring when, and if your goals are attainable in the given time.
VI. Conclusion and Justification
Your literature review will have already helped to lead the reader to an understanding of why your topic is of importance.
This is where you will explicitly state how your proposed research will advance knowledge. What are the far-reaching
effects? Will your study potentially change practices or policies? Why is it that your research deserves funding?
VII. Bibliography
Include all the resources that were used in the writing of the paper. Follow your instructor’s guidelines for formatting,
which will resemble the styles that your would find in a plant biology journal.
Caspar T, Huber SC, Somerville C (1985) Alternation in growth, photosynthesis, and respiration in a starchless
mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) deficient in chloroplast phyosphoglucomutase activity. Plant Physiol
79: 11-17
***A note on Voice:
There is no one format for voice in scientific writing. Active voice is usually encouraged (use of “I” or We”), but in
practice many writers switch between active and passive voice to keep the writing from becoming too repetitive.
Important Points to Remember
An organized, well-written, concise, complete proposal = an easier to conduct experiment
A good proposal is like a good sales pitch. In the world of graduate studies and scientific
research a proposal is the means by which funding is secured.
Good writing when paired with a thorough understanding of the subject matter is a valuable skill
to possess.
Hailman, JP, and KB Strier. 1997. Planning Proposing and Presenting Science Effectively: A Guide for Graduate Students and
Researchers in the Behavioral Sciences and Biology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. 128pp
Pechenik, JA. 2004. A Short Guide to Writing About Biology. Pearson Education Inc., Boston, MA. 302pp
Smith, RV. 1990. Graduate Research: A Guide for Students in the Sciences. Plenum Press, New York, NY. 292pp

Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. | Theodore Roosevelt