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Created by a UConn Writing Center Science Liaison
Writing a Scientific Research Proposal
A research proposal has three main points:
1) Explanation of proposed research (what will be done)
2) Methods and techniques to be employed (how it will be done)
3) Novelty and/or importance of the study (why it should be done)
I. Title
This should provide a specific summary of the proposed work
Example 1:
NO (too much detail)
A three-year study of population decline in the spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculata) following logging,
road building and wetland mitigation near vernal pools in a hardwood forest of northeastern Connecticut
A study of population decline in the spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculata) following logging in northeastern
Example 2:
NO (not enough detail)
Habitat models for use in rivers
Validation of in-stream habitat models for the Fenton River, Storrs, Connecticut
II. Abstract (one paragraph)
This is a brief description of the hypothesis and the goals of the experiment. It should indicate what questions you, as a
researcher, will be seeking to answer. An abstract provides a summary that allows readers to quickly assess the basic
premise of your proposal.
III. Introduction and Literature Review
You should begin with the basics of your research topic and then narrow the focus of those details that are especially
pertinent to the proposed work. Present what is currently known by plant biologists, and how these discoveries were
made. This is the place to show what is interesting and cutting-edge in the field that led to your research idea. You are
laying the groundwork for your proposal with the material that you present. Use a plethora of sources especially primary
sources such as journal articles. Textbooks, web sites (with great caution) and personal communications with professors
can also be useful sources. Make sure to cite appropriately in the text (more to follow on citation)
This is the heart of your assignment and will probably be the lengthiest piece of it. Your sentence structure should look
something like this:
“According to Thullen et al. (1999), nitrate removal rates were highest in those wetlands that contained a divers
number of plants species.”
“Within organisms cellular nitrogen generally exists as either ammonia-nitrogen or amino-nitrogen, which are the
most reduced forms of nitrogen (Delwiche, 1981).”
Never leave your reader in doubt as to the source of your information! Cite thoroughly and cite properly.
***A note on sources, paraphrasing, and citations:
Unlike the style you might use in English expository writing, technical science writing is terse, clear cut, and lacking in
artistic enhancements. When using information from a source avoid quoting directly. Read the piece, put the article down,
and then put the important points into your own words. By setting the article aside you are allowing yourself to process
the information, instead of just spitting the idea back out in a slightly altered sentence.

Do or do not. There is no try. | Yoda