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Box 11111 Greenville, SC 29614 | Cell: (543) 321-9876 | |
EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTING STUDENT Scroll down for additional examples
Junior accounting major seeking an internship for the summer of 2014
Saved a company hundreds of dollars by identifying and correcting bookkeeping errors
Focused multi-tasker, balancing responsibilities with excellence at both work and school
Bachelor of Science in Accounting (150 hours) December 2015
Bob Jones University, Greenville, SC GPA: 3.65
Certificate of Professional Development: Personal Financial Management February 2013
Received important information on managing personal finances from an experienced financial planner
Attention to Detail:
Saved a company hundreds of dollars by identifying and resolving mistakes in communication, data entry, and
Strengthened integrity of bookkeeping by determining the origin of discrepancies and correcting problems
Leadership Ability:
Set example of hard work and adherence to company standards
Appointed as Residence Hall Room Leader by Dean of Students staff
Elected as Secretary in Beta Gamma Delta literary society
Customer Service:
Listened patiently to dissatisfied customers and successfully implemented solutions to their needs
Upheld a friendly and helpful atmosphere while accommodating customers, multi-tasking, interacting directly
with patients, scheduling, answering a multi-line phone, and performing clerical functions
Accounting Assistant, Family Physical Therapy, Sacramento, CA 2013-Present
Observing and experiencing the entrepreneurial side of our family-owned multi-location corporation: taxes,
payroll, working with consultants and the outsourced services, solving unexpected issues
Auditing patient accounts, preparing bank reconciliations and deposits
Involved with the billing and collections process using online patient information services
Installing software upgrades, proficient in Turbo PT medical billing and scheduling software, proficient in
Microsoft Office, especially in Microsoft Excel
Usher, Bob Jones University, Greenville, SC Fall 2014-Present
Seating people, answering questions and enforcing policies while maintaining a sharp, professional appearance
Music Equipment Transport Crew, Bob Jones University, Greenville, SC Fall 2012-Spring 2014
Carefully loading and unloading heavy and expensive instruments under tight time constraint
University Business AssociationMember (2011-Present)
Community ServiceGreenville General Hospital (2011-Present) and Miracle Hill Boy’s Home (2012-Present)
Literary Society OfficerSecretary
Intramural SportsBasketball, football, volleyball
MusicDrums and percussion in BJU Percussion Ensemble, church worship, and various other groups

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Thoughts are things! And powerful things at that, when mixed with definiteness of purpose, and burning desire, can be translated into riches. | Napoleon Hill