City of Hollister
Customer Contact Report
Associate Engineer (Utilities) Utilities Supervisor Senior Maintenance Worker
Date: _________________ Time: _____________
Name of Contact: __________________________________
Address: ______________________________ Mailing Address: _______________________
Phone Number: _________________________ Account Number:_______________________
___ Sewer Inspection ___ Sewer Spill (See back of Contact Report)
___ Sewer Connection ___ Report of Sale/Transfer ___ Emergency H2O Turn Off
___ Backflow Required? ___ Change of Address ___ End H2O Meter Read
___ Odor Complaint ___ H2O Service: On/Off ___ High Water Use
Reason for Call:
Office Comments:
Supervisors Comments:
Staff Generating Report:______________________________________________
Problem Corrected? _________ Inspected By:__________________________ Date:______
Follow Up Activities: ____________________________________________________________
Correspondence sent out? ________ Dated:___________