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Form No: F-01 (Rev 00)
(To be typed and submitted in the Letter Head of the Company/Firm of Bidder)
Offer Reference No:…………………. Date:……………
(Write Name & Address of Officer of BHEL inviting the Tender)
Dear Sir,
Sub : Submission of Offer against Tender Specification No: …………………………
I/We hereby offer to carry out the work detailed in the Tender Specification issued by Bharat Heavy
Electricals Limited, Power Sector-………………………………………., in accordance with the terms and
conditions thereof.
I/We have carefully perused the following listed documents connected with the above work and agree to
abide by the same.
1. Amendments/Clarifications/Corrigenda/Errata/etc issued in respect of the Tender documents by
2. Notice Inviting Tender (NIT)
3. Price Bid
4. Technical Conditions of Contract
5. Special Conditions of Contract
6. General Conditions of Contract
7. Forms and Procedures
Should our Offer be accepted by BHEL for Award, I/we further agree to furnish ‘Security Deposit’ for the
work as provided for in the Tender Conditions within the stipulated time as may be indicated by BHEL.
I/We further agree to execute all the works referred to in the said Tender documents upon the terms and
conditions contained or referred to therein and as detailed in the appendices annexed thereto.
I/We have deposited/depositing herewith the requisite Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) as per details
furnished in the Check List.
Authorised Representative of Bidder
Signature :
Name :
Address :

Successful people are the ones who are breaking the rules. | Seth Godin