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Proforça (Pty) Ltd
Tel: 012 809 0976, Fax: 086 775 4642, Cell: 082 458 3403, Email: [email protected]
Resignation Tips
1. Remember that your current employer might need to provide you with a reference in the
future, so do not leave on bad terms or bad-mouth anyone in the company before leaving. You
want to be remembered leaving in a tactful manner, no matter how difficult your time at the
company may have been.
2. It is just as important to fulfil any contractual obligations during your resignation period. Ensure
you work your full notice period and conduct a proper hand-over (return company property,
make a note of passwords to access information on your pc, make a list of upcoming deals in
the pipeline etc.) to ensure that you do not leave your employer stranded. This again, is to
ensure you do not burn bridges and leave the company in a favourable light.
3. Make sure that your Manager is the first person to know about your resignation; do not discuss
it with your colleagues before-hand. The last thing you want is for your Manager to find out
from someone else.
Resignation letter tips:
1. Concise:
a. To the point
b. A resignation letter is usually not longer than half a page
2. Dated
a. Include date of resignation and last day (resignation period)
3. Polite
a. Thank your employer the opportunity they have given you
b. A resignation letter is not an opportunity for you to bad-mouth your position or your
4. Signed
a. Ensure that you sign the resignation letter to make it official
See examples of resignation letters on pages to follow

Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing it is stupid | Einstein