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The Appalachian Managing Editor job description, 2016-17
The role
The Managing Editor oversees the production of The Appalachian, including editing and fact-checking content,
and overseeing all written content and the news, A&E, sports and opinion editors. The editor is appointed by
the Editor-in-Chief in consultation with the Assistant Director for Student Media. The editor is responsible to the
Application instructions
Your complete application will include your completed application online, your current resume, and at least two
samples of relevant work. Incomplete applications or applications received after the deadline will not be
accepted. Application materials must be submitted via email to Carl Blankenship, incoming editor-in-chief, at For more information, contact Allison Bennett Dyche, Assistant Director for
Student Media, at or 828-262-6252.
Managerial Duties
1. Assist the desk editors in recruiting and training a staff of reporters for all desks that produce written
2. Set deadlines for editors to meet production schedules.
3. Oversee desk editors during production nights.
4. Assist desk editors in assigning and overseeing story production for each issue.
5. Read and edit all content for print and digital for factual accuracy, completeness and journalistic style,
as well as spelling, grammar and organization.
6. Assist the Editor-in-Chief, Visual Managing Editor and Graphics editor in laying out the print product.
7. Proofread all pages before they are sent to the printer on production nights.
8. Rewrite stories when necessary to conform to acceptable newspaper standards.
9. Undertake assignments when necessary when no reporter or editor is available, including breaking
10. Revise and rewrite (in consultation with the desk editor and copy editor) stories when necessary to
conform to acceptable newspaper standards.
11. Attend twice weekly editorial board meetings.
12. Assist with leading twice weekly desk meetings where needed.
13. Present writing and editing training to full staff on a regular basis.
14. Meet with the editor-in-chief to discuss quality of editing and coverage, and any problems related to any
of the writing desks.

You are not your resume, you are your work. | Seth Godin