Ideas for Child Body Outline Worksheet
1. Draw what it is like to feel:
a. Happy
b. Sad
c. Mad
d. Nervous
e. Proud
2. Draw a diary of your school day:
a. This made my head mad
b. This made my hands busy
c. This made my feet move-y
d. This made my tummy nervous
e. Nice/Mean words my mouth said
f. Nice/Mean words my ears heard
3. Draw a line, in the middle, from the head to the feet. Use halves to compare:
a. Pluses vs. Minuses (e.g., how busy hands are a strength and weakness)
b. Good days vs. Bad days (things I experience/do on each kind of day)
c. How I handled a situation vs. How I will handle it next time
d. How people treat me vs. How I want to be treated (what they say, do)
e. How I see myself vs. How I want to see myself
4. Kids may come up with lots of ideas how to use the worksheet. Anything goes, since it is
all “grist for the mill”—stuff for you and your child to talk about together, to help them
learn about themselves.
Head Ideas, worries, hopes, fears
Eyes Sights (past, present, future)
Ears Sounds (past, present, future)
Mouth Spoken words (past, present, future)
Hands Actions
Chest Feelings
Stomach Instincts, urges, I wanted to…