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University of California Policy LabSafetyTraining
Laboratory Safety Training
Phone #:
Ken Smith
(510) 987- 0170
The University of California is committed to providing a safe and healthy working
environment for all members of the campus community. This laboratory safety
training policy is designed to prevent workplace injuries and illnesses for all
faculty, staff, students, volunteers, and visitors. A primary means to achieve this
goal is through safety training. Safety training is particularly important for those
who work with hazardous materials, equipment, and processes in research and
teaching. Safety training is done within departments, work groups, shops,
laboratories, and/or centrally by Environment(al) Health and Safety (EH&S).
This policy identifies minimum training requirements applicable to all workers. A
laboratory safety training needs assessment and fundamentals of laboratory
safety training shall be completed. Based on the needs assessment, additional
safety training may be needed for specific hazardous work activities.
Responsible Officer: Chief Risk Officer
Responsible Office: RK - Risk / EH&S
Issuance Date: June 12, 2013
Effective Date: October 31, 2013
This policy establishes minimum requirements for all
University workers which individual campuses,
departments/units, and work groups may exceed as they
deem necessary. It applies to workers regardless of their title;
e.g., student, graduate student, postdoctoral scholar, faculty
or other academic appointee, staff, visitor, volunteer, etc.

Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them more. | Oscar Wilde