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Responsible Unit: Finance and Operations and VPs of all Functional Areas
Every other year, the college completes and submits to KCTCS, a Strategic Needs Analysis
(SNA). It is normally submitted during January in the year before the Legislative Budget
Session. This document describes the college's recurring and nonrecurring needs for the next
biennial budget cycle and is used by KCTCS and the college presidents to develop the KCTCS
biennial budget request for submission to the Council on Postsecondary Education for its
recommendations to the governor. The SNA is also considered as part of the budget
development process and must be approved by the college's board of directors.
SNA development can be completed using both the budget module and the SNA module.
The SNA module can be used by those who do not need the other functions of the budget
module. The records are shared records so the college may have multiple persons working on
the SNA requests. Each functional area is responsible for a certain type of expense category and
for inputting that information into the module for prioritization by the college president upon
advice from the Administrative and Executive Councils.
Normally the higher cost items, such as capital projects, rise to the top of the needs
prioritization in hope of support at the system-level and an allocation through the legislature.
But other items such as positions, etc. are important and need to be ranked as funding sources
are explored.
Below are the expense types and categories that the functional areas need to input into the
SNA module. After the ranking prioritization is done, a list is sorted and printed to go with the
annual budget recommendation that the BCTC board of directors must recommend approval
for by the May deadline date.
Expense Type
Personnel Full-time
Regular Full-time personnel
Personnel -Temp or Part-time
Regular Part-time, Temporary Full-time and/or Temporary
Supplies, non-capitalized equipment, utilities, travel, etc.
Grants and Aid
Student Financial Aid or grants to outside agencies
Capitalized equipment, Software, Library books, vehicles,
lease purchase, etc.
Estimated cost of facility or infrastructure construction

Your income is directly related to your philosophy, NOT the economy. | Jim Rohn