HTML Preview Data Asset Overview page number 1.

UK Data Archive, University of Essex
Created By:
Tom Ensom & Laurence Horton, UK Data Archive, University of Essex, United Kingdom
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This work is licensed
under the:
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 UK: England &
Wales License.
Research Data @Essex project
Research data asset inventory used as part of the Research Data @Essex project, a JISC funded project
in the Managing Research Data programme 2011-13. This inventory form is based on that devised by the
DMP-ESRC project in 2011, with extensions and adaptations to suite institutional assessment. While it's
most obvious use is as a self completion exercise for the researcher, the form can also be used as the
basis for an interview schedule.
Institutional Research Data Asset Inventory
UK Data Archive (2012). Research Data Asset Inventory. Colchester, UK Data Archive, University of

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