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Sample of a Good Follow-Up Letter
Matthew Myers
2446 Spring Lane • Bloomington, Indiana 47401 • (812) 555-1212 • [email protected]
September 13, 2002
Mickey Spillane
Divers Smith, PLLC
10 North Woodward
Suite 305
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48304
Dear Mr. Spillane:
Thank you for talking to me on Tuesday. I found your insights into business law and
practice with Divers Smith to be very helpful. I was particularly interested to learn about
the positive impact being a C.P.A. has had on your law practice. I have been trying to
figure out how to use my M.B.A. degree to be a better lawyer, and I appreciated your
specific example of leveraging your financial knowledge into a better negotiating position
when creating joint ventures or mergers.
Finally, I would like to thank you for providing guidance about which M.B.A. majors would
be helpful to a future in law. I agree that Finance could best complement my law degree
for a business law practice.
I enjoyed our conversation, and I hope to have the opportunity to work with you.
Matthew Myers
Taken from Indiana University School of Law’s Website.

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