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Program Ad Space and Sponsorship Order Form
Welcome to the 2017-2018 season at Stocker Arts Center! Please complete
the form below to order your ad space size and program package.
Ad Space Size: _______________ Package: ___________ Price: ____________
Please check one:
_____ I will email a print ready PDF or JPEG ad, in the size indicated above, by
June 2 (by April 28 to receive the Early-bird Bonus).
_____ Please use the same ad from last season (notify us by April 28 to
receive the Early-bird Bonus).
Payment: _____ Check enclosed _____Check to follow _____ Please bill me
(Select one) (Please make checks payable to LCCC.)
Company _____________________________________________
Contact Name _________________________________________
Contact Title __________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________
Phone Number(s) ______________________________________
Email ________________________________________________
Signature _____________________________________________
Date _________________________________________________
Call Debby at 440-366-7123 or email [email protected] with
any questions and to place your ad space order.
Orders can also be placed by returning this completed form, or order
online by visiting our home page at and clicking
the Advertising link under the “About” tab.
Completed forms can be returned to Debby Sadowski at
email: [email protected] Fax: 440-366-4101
Mail: Stocker Arts Center / Lorain County Community College
1005 North Abbe Road, Elyria, Ohio 44035
Thank you for being a part of our success!
Ad Agreement Summary
Your ad will be placed in your
chosen space and package in
Stocker Arts Center event
programs during the 2017-2018
season (September, 2017
through May, 2018). The
number of programs printed for
each event is determined by the
number of tickets sold.
The advertiser agrees to provide
a print-ready, digital ad in the
chosen size, and will pay LCCC
the indicated sum for the
selected size and package, per
the price chart on the reverse
side. Payment can be made by
check, payable to LCCC, at time
of order. If payment is not
received at time of order, an
LCCC invoice will be emailed
after the first Performing Artists
Series event in the fall.
Payment is due within 30 days
of receipt of invoice.
Please check those you would
like to be a part of:
To give your business even
more visibility, offer a discount,
service or product to our season
subscribers - their reward. For
participating, you earn 2 free
tickets to a 2017-18 event of
your choice - your reward! See
the enclosed yellow flyer for
Receive monthly updates about
Stocker events and offers
(please include your email
address in the space at left).
Interested in sponsoring an event or series? If so, please check below.
_____ Yes, I’d like information on sponsoring an event or series.
Please fill-in your contact information above.)

People don’t believe what you tell them. They rarely believe what you show them. They often believe what their friends tell them. They always believe what they tell themselves. | Seth Godin