Registered Exam Centre Application Form 1
You can assess if your centre will meet Trinity’s exam Venue Requirements by going through
the checklists that apply to your chosen exams and venue. Please note that more than one
checklist may apply.
Checklist for all exams, practical and written
Separate waiting room provided (for practical exams in music and drama, this
must not be adjacent to the exam room)
Storage area for candidate belongings (bags, etc.)
Printing facilities for exam materials, e.g. appointment slips as required
Internet wifi access for examiners
Does your organisation have measures in place to deal with child abuse?
Checklist for all written exams only
Number of exam rooms available
Total candidate capacity of exam rooms, when the room is set up in exam layout
Secure (lockable) storage for exam papers
Desks and chairs available for invigilators
Individual desks and chairs for candidates
Wall clock visible to all candidates
Whiteboard / blackboard visible to all candidates
Checklist for all spoken Language exams
Electrical supply in each exam room
Table and two chairs for examiner and candidate to conduct interviews
Does the exam venue have two interview rooms connected by telephone?
Does the exam room have wireless internet?
Checklist for all Drama and Dance exams
Sound proof warm-up room available
Audio player with good quality speakers for backing tracks
Electrical supply in all exam rooms
Desk and chair for examiner
Sufficient space for practical exam