HTML Preview Legal Services Offer Cover Letter page number 1.

Dear Sirs,
We are pleased to set out below our proposal for the services set out in Section 2 below.
1. Background
[describe proposal briefly]
2. Scope of Legal Services
Principally, our legal services will involve the following:-
[set out the scope of services]
3. Personnel
Our lawyers who will be principally responsible for providing the legal
services referred to above, are as follows:
(1) [Name of Lawyer] [Partner];
(2) [Name of Lawyer] — [Senior Associate];
(3) [Name of Lawyer] [Associate].
4. Proposed Fee Structure
Fee estimate
4.1 In respect of the scope of work described in Section 2 above, our fees
are estimated at RM[*] to RM[*] or alternatively, time cost at the hourly
rate of RM[*].
4.2 Please note that the above fee estimates are exclusive of service tax and
disbursements to be incurred in the course of our work, including, where
applicable, company searches, winding up/bankruptcy/trademark searches
(all of which will be charged on a full reimbursement basis), facsimile
and courier charges and other incidental expenses.

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