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Annual General Meeng Feedback Report 2016
This report summarises your feedback from the "Future of Economic Growth" AGM on 8th July 2016.
In all 102 parcipants aended the day, including speakers, hosts and organisers.
‘’Accessible locaon, table and chair
layout encouraged conversaon and gave
a good viewpoint to the screen and
"All very useful - insighul and quick-
moving. Length for each speaker was
exactly right."
Next Time
"I thought that Barry Dodd
showed strong & thoughul
"More inspiraonal business stories
showcasing success stories such as the
Bishy Road."
"The 10:30 start with a 1/2pm nish is
eecvely a whole working day,
parcularly for those of us that have a
long journey to Harrogate. An earlier
start would suit me."
‘’It was an AGM but nothing to
vote on.’’
@bizinspiredgrow #YorkshireGrowth
@WYCColleges: ‘’ The
importance of skills high-
lighted @bizinspiredgrow
and the importance of
@suegrad7: ‘’@nybechair asking a
queson at the @bizinspiredgrow
AGM. Good to hear our LEP are
leading the way and posive about
the future.’’
@bizinspiredgrow: ‘’Natalie Cramp
from @CareerEnt ‘What do we
want young people to be when
they leave school?’’

Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. | Bill Gates