Unit Title: Adding and Subtracting within 20
Lesson: Envision Topic 3: Five and Ten
Relationships. Lesson 3-4: Finding Missing
Parts of 10.
CCSS-M Standards: 1.OA.4
Understand subtraction as an
unknown-added problem.
A. Focus and Coherence
Students will know:
A missing part of a whole can be found when the whole and the
other part are known.
Students will be able to:
use counters and a part-part-whole mat to find missing parts of 10.
Student prior knowledge:
10 can be broken in parts in di!erent ways
Using the part-part-whole mat
Which math concepts will this lesson lead to? Understand and
apply properties of operations and the relationship between addition
and subtraction.
A. Focus and Coherence
Students will know:
A missing part of a whole can be found when the whole and the
other part are known.
Students will be able to:
use counters and a part-part-whole mat to find missing parts of 10.
Student prior knowledge:
10 can be broken in parts in di!erent ways
Using the part-part-whole mat
Which math concepts will this lesson lead to? Understand and
apply properties of operations and the relationship between addition
and subtraction.
B. Evidence of Math Practices
Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
Use appropriate tools strategically.
Attend to precision.
Guiding Questions(s): See below
Guiding Questions(s): See below
Guiding Questions(s): See below
Formative Assessments Results:
Quick Check Master 4 questions
Formative Assessments Results:
Quick Check Master 4 questions
Formative Assessments Results:
Quick Check Master 4 questions
Anticipated Student Preconceptions/Misconceptions:
Some students had di"culty solving the problems by any method. Some students had di"culty giving an
explanation of problem 3 even though they demonstrated the ability to solve other problems. A few students
demonstrated mastery of the standard and are ready for a greater challenge.
Anticipated Student Preconceptions/Misconceptions:
Some students had di"culty solving the problems by any method. Some students had di"culty giving an
explanation of problem 3 even though they demonstrated the ability to solve other problems. A few students
demonstrated mastery of the standard and are ready for a greater challenge.
Anticipated Student Preconceptions/Misconceptions:
Some students had di"culty solving the problems by any method. Some students had di"culty giving an
explanation of problem 3 even though they demonstrated the ability to solve other problems. A few students
demonstrated mastery of the standard and are ready for a greater challenge.
Intervention, On-Level, and Advanced Center Activities
ELL sentence frame support
Intervention, On-Level, and Advanced Center Activities
ELL sentence frame support
Intervention, On-Level, and Advanced Center Activities
ELL sentence frame support
C. Rigor: Conceptual Understanding, Procedural Skill and Fluency, and Application
Warm-up –No warm-up today
Set the Purpose/Connect:
To reinforce and enrich students ability to solve missing parts problems we will be working in groups today
based on the Quick Check results from the previous day.
Di!erentiated Instruction:
Based on the number card that you were given when you entered the class, follow these instructions:
• Students with the numbers 27 (on-level) and 28 (ELL intervention) assemble into groups of 4 and follow
directions on the Center Activity given.
• Students with number 26 (advanced level) form a group and follow directions on the Center Activity given.
• Students with number 25 (math intervention) come to the table to complete the Center Activity given.
How do you use a part-part-whole mat to find the missing part of 10 when you know one part?
C. Rigor: Conceptual Understanding, Procedural Skill and Fluency, and Application
Warm-up –No warm-up today
Set the Purpose/Connect:
To reinforce and enrich students ability to solve missing parts problems we will be working in groups today
based on the Quick Check results from the previous day.
Di!erentiated Instruction:
Based on the number card that you were given when you entered the class, follow these instructions:
• Students with the numbers 27 (on-level) and 28 (ELL intervention) assemble into groups of 4 and follow
directions on the Center Activity given.
• Students with number 26 (advanced level) form a group and follow directions on the Center Activity given.
• Students with number 25 (math intervention) come to the table to complete the Center Activity given.
How do you use a part-part-whole mat to find the missing part of 10 when you know one part?
C. Rigor: Conceptual Understanding, Procedural Skill and Fluency, and Application
Warm-up –No warm-up today
Set the Purpose/Connect:
To reinforce and enrich students ability to solve missing parts problems we will be working in groups today
based on the Quick Check results from the previous day.
Di!erentiated Instruction:
Based on the number card that you were given when you entered the class, follow these instructions:
• Students with the numbers 27 (on-level) and 28 (ELL intervention) assemble into groups of 4 and follow
directions on the Center Activity given.
• Students with number 26 (advanced level) form a group and follow directions on the Center Activity given.
• Students with number 25 (math intervention) come to the table to complete the Center Activity given.
How do you use a part-part-whole mat to find the missing part of 10 when you know one part?
First Grade Demo Lesson Plan October 17, 2014#