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Minutes of the 28
Meeting of
the Electrical Safety Advisory Committee (ESAC)
Date : 21 March 2014
Time : 2:30 p.m.
Venue : Room 7102, 7/F, EMSD Headquarters, 3 Kai Shing Street,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Mr. CHUNG Fuk-wai, Simon (Chairman)
Mr. CHAN Fan
Ms. WAN Siu-ling, Emily
Mr. YU Chen-on, Emil
Mr. LOK Tat-hong, Howard
Mr. LOK Kwei-sang, Tandy
Mr. WAT Hon-keung
Mr. WONG Chi-ming, Rover
Mr. MAK Chi-leung
Mr. TO Wang-kam, Albert
Dr. LO Wai-chau, Edward
Mr. CHAN Chor-man, Chapman
Ms. LAM Lee, Alice
Dr. LIU Hong-fai, Dandy
Dr. CHAI Ngai-chiu, Sunny
Mr. YIP Ping-nam
Mr. CHAN Shui-ching (Secretary)
In attendance
Mr. WOO Kin-ming Deputy Director/Regulatory Services, EMSD
Mr. LAI Hon-chung, Harry Assistant Director/Electricity and Energy Efficiency, EMSD
Mr. HO Wing-yiu Chief E&M Engineer/Electricity Legislation, EMSD
Mr. YIU Tak-tai, Boris E&M Engineer, EMSD
Mr. LEE Chi-leung, Eric E&M Engineer, EMSD
Mr. CHAN Wing-yip, John E&M Engineer, EMSD
Absent with Apologies
Professor HUNG Yeung-sam
Mr. CHAN Loong, Geoffrey

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