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Sample Proposal #1
Proposal to Assist in Reorganization at XXXXXX
Situation Summary
You must “jump start” people so that a new manner of working cross-function-
ally—in a matrix organization—is not merely accepted, but is exploited as a high-pro-
ductivity way of life. Although reorganization has not been the norm, there is likely to
be resistance, both from those inside and from those outside the new organization. A
key factor—perhaps the key factor in success—is the ownership and appropriate be-
haviors of all key managers and exemplars, so that people have the proper leader-
ship, and accountabilities will be accepted.
The primary transition is from a project-oriented, transient approach, to a pro-
gram-oriented permanent approach in managing the business. Standards, measure-
ment, tracking, feedback loops and ultimate ownership must be created and em-
braced. The process of ownership is central to success. Collaboration in a matrix
structure with accountability thrust downward are important goals.
Among the results to be achieved are these key objectives:
• Managers’ skills are developed and behaviors are directed toward achieving
and exploiting results that the new organization affords.
• Accountabilities are clear at the individual job (micro) level.
Communications flow is rationalized so that people are able to deal within the
“matrix” clearly, easily and willingly.
Key exemplars develop and exhibit collegiality that demonstrates support for
and participation in the new organization.
• Group interactions are facilitated and continually honed.
• Obstacles presented by systems, procedures and culture are identified and
removed as appropriate.
The assistance in achieving the objectives would include, but not be limited to, the
following activities:
• One-on-one assistance for all key managers in skills and behaviors required
by the new organizational relationships.
Group facilitation where needed in meetings and cross-functional teams.
• Group observation and feedback, with recommendations on how to improve
the process.
Assistance with written communications and meetings, so as to maximize
ownership and accountabilities and minimize resistance.
• Recommendations for procedures, cultural norms (i.e., meeting types and du-
rations) which will remove obstacles and strengthen the matrix structure.

Please think about your legacy, because you’re writing it every day. | Gary Vaynerchuck