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Total Home Inspection Checklist
Use a checklist like this to make sure that you are looking at all parts of the house.
Check off those items that are in good condition and make notes about those that are not.
(Note that this list describes an ideal house, but in our experience no house is perfect
not even brand new ones!!)
Please Note:
This checklist should not be relied upon as a home inspection report, nor should it be
considered a substitute for a home inspection. This list is representative, but NOT
exhaustive. If you require a home inspection, contact Total Home Inspection or another
qualified, educated, licensed, experienced ASHI certified home inspector in your area.
____ Proper grading drainage away from house
____ No evidence of standing water
____ No leaks from septic tank or leech field
____ Yard, landscaping, trees and walkways in good condition
____ No branches or bushes touching house or overhanging the roof
____ Exterior structures (fences, sheds, decks, retaining walls, detached garages) in
good condition, no evidence of termite damage or rotted wood
____ Railings on stairs and decks are adequate and secure
____ Driveways, sidewalks, patios, entrance landings in good condition, and pitched
away from structure
____ Downspout drainage directed away from structure
____ Ridge and fascia board lines appear straight and level
____ Sides of house appear straight, not bowed or sagging
____ Window and doorframes appear square (especially bowed windows)

Victory goes to the player who makes the next–to–last mistake. | Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower