1.1 This Procurement Strategy has been prepared in the context of the Comhairle’s Strategic
Objectives and the financial climate in which public bodies are now required to operate.
1.2 It also takes into account the statutory requirements included in the Procurement Reform
(Scotland) Act 2014 which relate to the production of an annual procurement strategy.
1.3 The Strategy will direct procurement practice over the coming three-year period to maximise
impact and benefit to the Comhairle and deliver excellence throughout the organisation.
1.4 The Strategy includes priorities, objectives and targets for achievement over the three-year
1.5 This Strategy can only be achieved through building on the existing partnerships between the
Procurement and Creditors Section and departments and taking action together.
2.1 The Procurement Strategy needs to take into account the policy, financial and operational
context in which the Comhairle currently operates.
Comhairle Policy
2.2 The Comhairle, as a member of the Outer Hebrides Community Planning Partnership, has
signed up to the achievement of Forward Together, the Single Outcome Agreement.
2.3 Within the Single Outcome Agreement there are seven local outcomes. Whilst procurement is a
key enabler for all seven outcomes, Local Outcomes 2 and 7 are those where a direct impact
can be made.
Local Outcome 2: The economy of the Outer Hebrides and the economies within
the Outer Hebrides are thriving
Local Outcome 7: The services of the Outer Hebrides are of high quality,
continuously improving and reflective of local needs
The Comhairle approved a Corporate Strategy in 2012 which covers the period to 2017.
Previous reviews of the strategic actions reinforces the assessment that procurement is a key
2.5 The Single Outcome Agreement and Corporate Strategy link into the Departmental Business
Plans. The contribution made by procurement to the achievement of these Business Plans is
included in the Departmental Procurement Plans.
2.6 The Comhairle, in common with all public bodies, is operating within the financial constraints
required to reduce the UK Budget Deficit. An approved Comhairle Budget Strategy is in place.
2.7 Given the challenging financial times ahead, procurement must play a key role in supporting
service redesign and efficiency programmes, to realise the cost savings required to balance the
budget going forward.
2.8 Annual savings targets are proposed in this Strategy to focus activity in this area.