March 16, 2017
The School Year Calendar mandates that school sessions begin for all students on Thursday, September 7,
2017 and ends on Tuesday, June 26, 2018. It reflects that on Wednesday, September 6, 2017, Tuesday,
November 7, 2017, and Thursday, June 7, 2018, students in all five boroughs will not be in attendance; schools
in all five boroughs will be scheduled for a Chancellor’s Conference Day for staff development related to the
implementation of high learning standards and assessments. The calendar must be adhered to without
exception, unless notifications of subsequent changes are received pursuant to collective bargaining
agreements or for other reasons, provided these other reasons are not inconsistent with collective bargaining
or legal obligations.
The following staff report: Assistant Principals and school-
based intermediate supervisors not designated to work an
increased work year.
Labor Day (schools closed)
Teachers report (see section 5 below). Students will not be in
Chancellor’s Conference Day for staff development. Students
will not be in attendance.
School Session Begins For All Students. Early dismissal for
non-District 75 kindergarten students only. Partial school time
for pre-kindergarten public school students.
First full day for non-District 75 kindergarten students. Partial
school time for pre-kindergarten public school students.
Elementary School: Parent-Teacher Conferences (see section
Rosh Hashanah (schools closed)
Middle School: Parent-Teacher Conferences (see section 8)
High School: Parent-Teacher Conferences (see section 8)
Columbus Day Observed (schools closed)
Election Day. Chancellor’s Conference Day for staff
development. Students will not be in attendance.
High School: Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences 11/9/17.
Afternoon Parent-Teacher Conferences 11/10/17; early
dismissal for high school students.
District 75 Schools: Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences
11/13/17. Afternoon Parent-Teacher Conferences 11/14/17;
early dismissal for D75 students.
Elementary School: Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences
11/15/17. Afternoon Parent-Teacher Conferences 11/16/17;
early dismissal for elementary school students.
Thanksgiving Recess (schools closed)