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Safety and Compliance Officer
Vacancy Ref: A1300
Job Title: Safety and Compliance Officer
Present Grade: 7P
Department/College: Facilities Operations
Directly responsible to: Safety & Compliance Manager
Supervisory responsibility for: N/A
Other contacts
Facilities Staff, Safety Office, key stakeholders within Faculties and Departments
The Health & Safety Executive, University Safety & Health Association,
Major Duties:
Provide professional advice and support on relevant new build and refurbishment project related H&S
matters ensuring compliance with the Construction and Design Management Regulations (CDM) 2015.
Attend project pre-start and progress meetings.
Review contractor health & safety documentation to ensure that they are suitable and sufficient.
Provide support, guidance and advice to Facilities staff on CDM issues.
Investigate and report on findings connected to accidents and breaches of H&S legislation, by in-house
staff, consultants and contractors working on new build and refurbishment projects, to the Safety &
Compliance Manager as required and maintain a detailed log and audit trail. Develop actions and lessons
learnt and, where required, be involved in implementing them proactively.
To undertake construction/maintenance site inspections and produce reports with recommendations and
monitor feedback from construction company representatives, Project Managers and Clients and report
findings to the Safety & Compliance Manager.
Oversee the University’s Asbestos Management plan and advise on procedures required to ensure the
division operates within the Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations.
Coordinate asbestos surveys to Campus buildings to verify information currently held in respect of asbestos
and asbestos containing materials.
Prioritise and manage the asbestos testing and removal programme in full compliance with the current
asbestos managed regulations through the nominated licensed removal contractor.
Assist the Safety & Compliance Manager in managing the divisions OHSAS 18001 Health and Safety
Management System, including but not limited to; overseeing the establishment and review of risk
assessments, monitoring records of actions taken and implementing overarching arrangements with UPP,
contractors and tenants.

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