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Writing Briefing Memos: Distance Education Module
Structuring a Memo to Summarize Research Findings
FROM: (Initial or sign next to your full name)
RE: State the subject of the memo in a way that conveys its value to the recipient
In the first paragraph, identify the issue, state the purpose of the memo, and give the main
Set the Stage with Background
Then, provide background information. You might provide data trends showing why the issue is
important and succinctly describe previous efforts to address the issue. Don’t go overboard here;
tailor the depth and type of information to your recipient’s needs.
Summarize the Study Methods, Limitations, and Results
Summarize the study using understandable and engaging language. (Be sure to provide the full
citation for the article here or elsewhere in the memo.) Use active voice whenever possible; it’s
more engaging than passive voice. Include a discussion of study limitations, and be sure to state
whether/how those limitations affect the interpretation and implications of the findings.
Present relevant study results clearly and concisely; they should be easy to understand and
! Consider which data are necessary for the recipient, given the purpose of the memo.
! Present findings without copying them directly from the article.
! Avoid using overly technical jargon.
Identify Implications of the Study Findings
Identify the implications of the findings you have presented. You should provide a sequence of
information with a logical path: If the research shows X, what are the implications of that
finding for the population you serve, or for your agency or organization? And given those
implications, what changes might your agency or organization consider?

There is no security on the earth, there is only opportunity. | General Douglas MacArthur