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Curriculum Vitae
Simon Bornschier
Visiting Fellow
Max Weber Programme on leave
Via delle Fontanelle, 10 Institute for Political Science
I-50014 San Domenico University of Zurich
Phone. +39-055-4685-664 Switzerland
Email: Email:
2002 to 2007 Ph.D. in Political Science (summa cum laude),
University of Zurich
Title of Ph. D.: »The Transformation of Historical Cleavages and the Rise of Right-Wing Populist
Parties in Western Europe« (Supervisors: Prof. Hanspeter Kriesi, Prof. Hans-Dieter Klingemann)
July 2005 Visiting Researcher at the
Centre de recherches politiques de Sciences Po (Sciences Po/CNRS),
(Advisor: Prof. Pascal Perrineau)
August 2003 Swiss Summer School in Advanced Methods in Social Sciences, Lugano
Course on Multidimensional Scaling (Prof. Anthony Coxon)
1996-2002 Diploma in Political Science,
Free University Berlin
Main areas of study: comparative politics, democratic and economic theory
Subject of Diploma thesis: »Sozialstrukturen und Parteiensysteme in Lateinamerika, das Beispiel
BrasilienSocial Structure and Party Systems in Latin America, the Example of Brazil«;
Supervisor: Prof. Hans-Dieter Klingemann)
1998/99 German-French Diploma in Political and Social Sciences at the
Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris
, France
Subject of Diploma thesis: »Le soutien à la démocratie et l’internationalisation de la politiqu
(Supervisor: Prof. Gérard Grunberg)
Feb.-June 1995 Studies in Italian Culture at the
Università per stranieri di Perugia,
Courses in Italian language, literature, history of arts and theatre
Academic Work Experience and Internships
September 2008- Visiting fellow at the
European University Institute,
August 2009
Since spring 2007 Senior researcher (Oberassistent),
Institute for Political Science, University of Zurich
Since 2005 Member of »EU Consent – Wider Europe, Deeper Integration? Constructing Europe Network«,
supported by the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Commission
2002 to 2007 Teaching assistant,
Institute for Political Science, University of Zurich
2002-2006 Research assistant in the project »National Political Change in Borderless Spaces. A Comparative
Assessment of the Impact of Globalization on National Party Systems«.
Project leaders: Prof. Hanspeter Kriesi (Zurich), Prof. Edgar Grande (Munich)
May-June 2000 Intern in a research project on direct democracy at the
Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB), Research Unit
Institutions and Social Change
(Supervisor: Dr. Christian Welzel)
Oct.-Dec. 1999 Internship at the French parliament, office of deputy Guy Hasct (Les Verts)

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