_____________________________________ address of structure
(print date 1/15/15)
Residential Construction Checklist Yes No
Is this property in the Flood Plain or Flood Way? [ ] [ ]
Are sidewalks required in this subdivision? [ ] [ ]
Is this permit for a single family or duplex structure? [ ] [ ]
Have elevations and a site plan been provided to staff? [ ] [ ]
Is the house and any porch within the front and rear building lines? [ ] [ ]
Are proposed walls within the side yard building lines? [ ] [ ]
Is the top most part of the roof 35' in height or less? [ ] [ ]
Will 50% of the front yard remain as grass and landscaping? [ ] [ ]
Will the driveway be of concrete or masonry materials? [ ] [ ]
Is the front door within the front third of the building? [ ] [ ]
Will the house roof pitch be at least 4:12 or greater? [ ] [ ]
Are the eaves 12 inches or greater? [ ] [ ]
Is the siding other than vertical, corrugated steel siding? [ ] [ ]
Is the siding of a material other than horizontal ribbed metal? [ ] [ ]
Is the proposed foundation solid and continuous? [ ] [ ]
Are there windows or doors on each elevation? [ ] [ ]
Is each elevation of the structure at least 20’ wide? [ ] [ ]
If there is a rear deck, is the deck less than 3’ in height? [ ] [ ] [ ]
If the deck is taller than 3’, is it 25’ from the rear property line? [ ] [ ] [ ]
Are front or side yard retaining walls less than 3 1/2’ in height? [ ] [ ] [ ]
Are rear yard retaining walls less than 5’ in height? [ ] [ ] [ ]