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Comfort Measures I plan to try these additional
comfort measures (check all that are desired):
¨Walking, squatting and using a birth ball
¨Labor in water using a shower or tub
¨Listening to music (please bring your own)
¨Aromatherapy (scented oils, fresh flowers-
please bring your own)
¨Wear my own clothes during labor (hospital
gowns are also available)
Monitoring My Contractions and Baby’s Heart
Rate I would prefer (check all that apply):
¨Checking on the well-being of my baby using
intermittent monitoring
¨Continuous electronic monitoring placed with
elastic belts around my abdomen
¨Using a telemetry unit (when available) so I
can be monitored while up and about in my
room or hallways
¨Placement of internal monitors using a fetal
scalp electrode and/or intrauterine pressure
catheter if medically necessary
¨Whatever is recommended by my physician
for the safety of myself and baby
Intravenous Access (IV) I prefer to have IV
access using this method:
¨Saline Lock – access into a vein with short
tubing and no fluid attached
¨Continuous IV – access into a vein with tubing
and fluids attached
Pain Management I plan to:
Labor and give birth with little or no intervention
so please don’t oer pain medication. I will let
you know if I change my mind.
¨Narcotic pain medication given into my IV if
safe for me and my baby
¨Epidural anesthesia
Bag of Water Breaking I would prefer to:
¨Allow my bag of water to break on its own
¨Have my bag of water artificially broken if
medically necessary
Pushing Preferences and Birth I would like to
try (check all that are desired):
¨Lying on my side to push
¨Squatting in bed using the squat bar
¨Sitting upright in bed
¨On all fours
Episiotomy I would prefer to:
¨Not have an episiotomy
¨Whatever is recommended by my physician
for the safety of myself and baby
Cutting the Umbilical Cord • I plan to:
¨Have my labor partner cut the umbilical cord
¨I would prefer that my physician cut the
umbilical cord
My Mercy Birth Plan
Expectant Mothers Name __________________________________ Birthdate _________
Expectant Mother’s Physician ________________________________________________________
Babys Physician _____________________________________Babys Due Date _________
My Labor Support Team • I plan to have the following people with me during my labor and birth:
Partner______________________________________Relationship _____________________
Doula _____________________________________________________________________________
Other visitor___________________________________Relationship_____________________
Other visitor___________________________________Relationship_____________________
Other visitor___________________________________Relationship_____________________

Surviving a failure gives you more self–confidence. Failures are great learning tools… but they must be kept to a minimum. | Jeffrey Immelt