HTML Preview Custom Student Agenda page number 1.

2017 CUSTOMS Student Agenda-
Day 1
8:30-9:30 CUSTOMS Check in - JUB, TN Room
8:45-9:25 Placement Tests-Music CKNB 105 and Foreign Lang. BDA 303A
9:30-9:45 Welcome and instructions for day- Tucker Theatre-
9:45-10:25 MT One Stop session- Tucker Theatre
10:40-10:55 SOA and group session-
11:00-11:25 Port of Call Video- LRC 221
11:45-12:30 Port of Call sessions- Student Union
Students must visit two sessions
Band- SU 224 Honors- SU Ballroom C Student Support Svc- SU220
Choral Music- SU 210 ROTC- SU BR D Veterans Center-SU 221
MT Dining SU BR A U1010- BR E
12:30-1:30 Lunch - Student Union or McCallie Dining Hall
1:30 Meet your group in the Student Union Commons
1:45 Meet Your Major
Academic advisors will give information about your major and explain the
advising process that will take place on day 2.
2:30 CUSTOMS Rotations
Flipchart and PipelineMT training- BAS or Library
Campus Involvement Session
Meet MTSU’s Student Organizations
4:40-5:30 College Life Issues presentation LRC
5:30-5:45 Wrap up and tour to Rec Center
5:45 Dinner and Ports of Interest Session - Campus Recreation Center
7:00 End of Day options:
Student Union Game Room open
Fun at Corlew
Explore the Recreation Center until 8pm

You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take | Wayne Gretzky