HTML Preview Meeting Agenda page number 1.

Sample Meeting Agenda
***Before starting the meeting, have everyone sign in and appoint a timekeeper who will keep each
section running on time.***
0:00-0:10 Host welcome and introduction
Host of the meeting introduces themselves and welcomes attendees.
Host shares why (s)he was inspired to organize the house meeting and the purpose of the
0:10-0:25 Attendee introductions
Go around the room and ask each person to introduce themselves and share their reason for
wanting to serve.
0:25-0:45 Choose a project
Host introduces three or four project ideas and opens up the room for discussion.
Discuss what projects will work best in your community.
Group votes on project choice.
0:45-0:55 Set goals and identify leadership
Ask which attendees are interested in being volunteer leaders - they should stay after the
meeting for 15 minutes and commit to a weekly planning meeting beginning 2-3 months before
the service project.
Ask each attendee to consider personal summer goals and make a realistic but ambitious service
0:55-1:00 Conclusion
At the end of the meeting, the group should have:
o At least one project to commit to.
o A leadership team.
o Pledges from each attendee to participate.
1:00-1:15 Leadership team meeting
Meet with volunteer leaders to set weekly meeting and divide responsibilities.
Fill out attached worksheets

The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same. – | Carlos Castaneda