HTML Preview Meeting Agenda page number 1.

Sample Meeting Agenda
***Before starting the meeting, have everyone sign in and appoint a timekeeper who will keep each
section running on time.***
0:00-0:10 Host welcome and introduction
Host of the meeting introduces themselves and welcomes attendees.
Host shares why (s)he was inspired to organize the house meeting and the purpose of the
0:10-0:25 Attendee introductions
Go around the room and ask each person to introduce themselves and share their reason for
wanting to serve.
0:25-0:45 Choose a project
Host introduces three or four project ideas and opens up the room for discussion.
Discuss what projects will work best in your community.
Group votes on project choice.
0:45-0:55 Set goals and identify leadership
Ask which attendees are interested in being volunteer leaders - they should stay after the
meeting for 15 minutes and commit to a weekly planning meeting beginning 2-3 months before
the service project.
Ask each attendee to consider personal summer goals and make a realistic but ambitious service
0:55-1:00 Conclusion
At the end of the meeting, the group should have:
o At least one project to commit to.
o A leadership team.
o Pledges from each attendee to participate.
1:00-1:15 Leadership team meeting
Meet with volunteer leaders to set weekly meeting and divide responsibilities.
Fill out attached worksheets

Every accomplishment starts with a decision to try. | Unknown