HTML Preview Press release company printable page number 2.

To be truly effective, your release should be written in journalistic style. The ultimate
reference and arbiter of style is the Associated Press Stylebook, available from the Associated
Press, 50 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10020.
The last line of your release should contain a standard closing or “boilerplate” reference.
For example, this is the standard boilerplate language for the AIA. Since 1857, the AIA has
represented the professional interests of America's architects. As AIA members, nearly 72,000
licensed architects, emerging professionals and allied partners express their commitment to
excellence in design and livability in our nation's buildings and communities. Members adhere to
a code of ethics and professional conduct that assures the client, the public, and colleagues of an
AIA-member architect's dedication to the highest standards in professional practice.

Beware of any enterprise requiring new clothes. | Henry Thoreau