HTML Preview Hardship Letter To Creditors page number 1.

(Lender Name)
(Lender Address)
(Lender's fax number)
RE: Hardship Letter - Short Sale for (your address)
Dear Creditor:
Since last (month) I am experiencing financial difficulties due to (layoff, medical problem).
After having my current financial situation carefully analyzed, I have concluded that it is no
longer possible to comply with the original terms of the agreement. I have no choice but ask
you for your help on avoiding the foreclosure of my family’s home.
Due to the dropping of home prices that have affect the entire country in the last year, I
currently owe more on my mortgage than my home is actually worth.
Please consider allowing me into your Short Sale Program so that we can lower the price
and sell the house quickly before it goes into foreclosure. This will allow me to settle my
financial obligation to you and have a chance to get back on my feet, without having to file
for bankruptcy.
Please understand that financial hardships can occur and many times it‘s not a choice. I
deeply appreciate your help in this matter. If you have any questions, or need anything
further from me, you can contact me at (your phone # with area code.)
I am enclosing my (bank statements, late notices on your car, last year's tax returns, last 6
months of Profit and Loss statement (if self employed), last 2 pay stubs for all working
borrowers (including L&I and unemployment benefit.) Authorization to disclose personal
information and anything else you can find that will show full proof of the hardship)
I, (your name), state that the information provided above is true and correct to the best of
my knowledge.
(Home Owner Name)
(Account number)

People rarely buy what they need. They buy what they want. | Seth Godin