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AMCTO’s Corporate Training
Report Writing for Municipalities
1-Day Workshop
This workshop will help you to write informative and thorough reports, resulting in readers being
interested, engaged, and ultimately satisfied that they have the information needed to make a
decision. Come prepared to share your problems and experiences as this workshop is an
interactive learning opportunity. Participants will be asked to complete an individual or group
exercise putting what you’ve learned to use.
How many times have you heard these comments?
Members of Council never read their agendas.
Our Council meetings are too long.
That information was in the report.
I don’t see why we have to do this.
Staff reports are too long.
Writing staff reports requires an understanding of the needs of both the reader and the author…
not to mention the public!
What you will learn:
Proven techniques to help make your reports interesting, thorough and better
An understanding of what information needs to be in a report and what doesn’t.
How to determine whether your reports are too long and what to do about it if they are.
A staff report template(s) that works for your organization.
How staff reports can shorten meetings and make minute taking and meeting
management much easier.
Best practices for writing public reports for closed meeting topics.
Who should attend:
Managers and staff who are involved with preparing reports for municipal councils and/or

We generate fears while we sit. We over come them by action. Fear is natures way of warning us to get busy. | Dr. Henry Link